Add Tab

Tab is used to organize your charts and minimize the working space

1. From the edit menu, click Adding, select Add tab

2. Click Click here to add chart

3. Select the chart you want to add and click Add

Edit tab

To edit the tab, click the three-dot button to show some actions you can do with the tab

  1. Edit title: change the title of the tab

  2. Add chart: add more charts to the tab

  3. Remove chart: remove charts from the tab

  4. Delete tab: delete the selected tab

Edit tab widget

To edit the tab widget, click the setting button to show some actions

  1. Add tab: add new tabs to the widget

  2. Sort orders: customize the order of tabs

  3. Config tab: you can change the position of the tab stack, choose the font, color and size of the name. You can also change the background color of active and inactive data

  4. Delete widget: delete the tab widget including tabs


Here is a demo of how to use a tab to organize charts in the dashboard

Last updated