
A visual interface that provides an overview of key information, data, and metrics in a consolidated and easily digestible format

On the Main Screen, Dashboard is the default page.

The sections for Dashboard are All Data (default section), Shared with me, Recent, Starred, and Trash.

All Data

In this section, you can add a new dashboard, modify or remove the existing dashboard.

Add Dashboard

Click ➕ New and select Dashboard, then you type your database name to display. Your created dashboard will be shown with information about the owner and date modified.

Modify a Dashboard

When you create a dashboard, there are some actions to modify it. You can share your dashboard with people and groups, or you can also copy the link and share it with anyone on the internet to view. Click the Setting icon to rename the dashboard, add it to Starred folder, or remove it.

Share with me

When people on the Internet share with you a dashboard, it will appear in this section.


Your recent working dashboard will appear hear.


You can keep track of your favorite dashboard when you add it to Starred folder.


Your recently deleted dashboard will appear here. You can restore or permanently delete it.

Last updated